Höfum kaupendur af aflahlutdeildum í báðum kerfum. (we have byers for...
Höfum kaupanda af 20 tonnum af þorski í aflamarkaðskerfinu.
Höfum kaupanda af 3 sænskum handfærarúllum og GPS tæki.
Höfum kaupanda af dragnótarbát með eða án kvóta.
Höfum kaupanda af karfa krókaflahlutdeild, einnig mögulegt að skipta á ufsa.
Höfum kaupanda af kvóta í krókaaflamarkaðskerfinu í skiptum fyrir
Sóma 800 í góðu standi.
Höfum kaupanda af breyttri Skel 80.
Owner ready
We have buyers for:
- Type Skel 80 whick has been made longer and wider
Óskum eftir bátum til sölu
Vessels for sale
About us
Shipbroker, Bátar og búnaður was established in 1980 and has since been active in brokering ships and boats. We serve our customers in buying, selling, leasing or registering ships and boats.
- Sales fee for sale of ships* is 3%, but never lower than IKR 350.000, -.
- Sales fee from sales in private sales is by agreement.
- Fixed estimated cost** which the seller pays at contract is ISK 50.000, -.
- Fee paid by the buyer at contract is ISK 50.000,-.
- Sales fee from sale of share quotas is 1.5%.
- Sales fee from sale of catch quotas is 0.5%, but never lower than ISK 10.000, -.
Kvóti og búnaður
Tel.no.: +354 5622551.
Email: skip@batarogbunadur.is